
The sun behind the clouds near the South Rim Grand Canyon, AZ.

The sun behind the clouds near the South Rim Grand Canyon, AZ.

This is a photo I took years ago near the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The high contrast effect and heavy vignetting are results of the photo being taken through the window of a tour bus which was heavily tinted.

As we were driving, I was taking photos of the passing trees when I realized that the sun would pass directly behind the only cloud in the sky for a brief moment. All I had was a point and shoot camera and luckily got this one shot before the sun was visible again.

This is the unedited version of that photo.

I wrote this poem with fridge magnets

Or rather, this poem was written with fridge magnets by me with the help of a girl named Martha at the tail end of a great acid trip. It took about two hours to complete this first revision. The original version was accidentally wiped from the fridge.




Like that pretend went in

With his sun girl glow

Imagine love was running home.


But when my moon girl shines

Could she dream on my night.

As her breast lie fast in yellow love

As day lay blue from slow whisper

I asked where a different us will climb;

Down through small water dreams

Where good and bad live,

Or through an always good flower?


As little won

I say: all that was

Went happy